الجمعة، 12 يونيو 2009

موسوعة التركيبات في الصيدلية...أكثر من 100 تركيبة يمكنك ان تحضرها بنفسك في صيدليت

ندي لكم اليوم مفاجئة أكثر من رائعة....
التركيبات الصيدلانية اللي بندور عليها بالأبرة زي ما بيقولوا...

و ملحوظة:طالماما أتذكرتش طريقه التحضير فالموضوع عبارة عن إضافه مش أكتر ...... ولو في أي فنياتفي أي تركيبه هذكرها في حينها ..طبعا الصيادله والناس اللي أشتغلت فيتركيبات هيكون فاهمين كلامي ومش محتاجين يعرفوا الأدوات المستخدمه
لو مثلاهتكلم عن كريم مش لازم أقول انك هتجيب مورتر وتخلط فيه لان الحاجات دي أمور مسلم بيها.....

و للأمانة.......الموضوع منقول..


1minim= 0.06cc
1fluid grain = 60mn = 3.6cc
1fluid OZ = 8fluid grain = 480mn = 28.4 cc
1 pound=7000grain=16 ounces=453.5924gm
1 Ounce = 437.5 grains = 28.3495 gm
1liter h2o=1 kgm=1000gm= 35 Ounces + 120 grains

1 ml = 1 gm = 15.5 grains
Chloral = chloral hydrate 10%
H2O2 27% = 100vol
H2O2 1% = 3.7 vol
10 vol = 37 cc


1-Simple syp
sugar 1920
water 1080

mix, stir, heat to boil, filter

يخلط ويقلبويوضع على النار ويقلب حتى الغليان ويعبأ وهو ساخن.

2-Strong lead subacetate
{Goulard's Extract}
Pb acetate 250gm
Pb monoxide 175gm
Aqua distilled to 1000

3-dil lead subacetate
strong soln + dist H2O recently boiled and cold to 1000ml

4-Castellani (magenta) paint
basic fuchin (magenta) 4gm
liq phenol 40gm
boric acid 8gm
resorcinol 80gm
acetone 40gm
alcohol 80gm
H2O to 1000
Dissolve boric acid in boiling water .
Soln (1) {phenol + resorcinol + boric acid soln}
Soln (2) {basic fuchsine + alcohol + acetone}
Soln (1) + soln (2)
Used for ttt of tinea

5-Glycerin tannic
tannic acid 20gm
glycerin 100

15% W/W
glycerol 80
tannic acid 15

6-Glycerin aluminis
alum 20
glycerin 120
dist H2O 7.5

uses: astringent , haemostatic

borax 10
glycerin 5
honey 85

8-Glycerin magnesia
MgSo4 400 425 375 250 g
H2O 160 170 150 100ml
Glycerin 480 510 450 300ml

MgSo4 + H2O in beaker (not alum) heat till complete dissolution then add glycerin.
Used as wound dressing specially in diabetic.

9-Glycerin bicarbonate
[alkaline ear dp]

NaHco3 5gm
Glycerin 33ml
H2O to 100ml

10-Glycerin starch paste
[ Glycerin amyli]

starch 10gm
benzoic acid 0.2gm
dist water 20cc
glycerol add 100gm
Rub the starch & then benzoic acid with the dist water in a porcelain dish until a smooth mix is produced , then add the mix to glycerol previously heated to about 140c and mix well , heat at temp not exceed 140c with constant gentle stirring until a translucent jelly is obtained.

11-Glycerin supp
gelatin 14
glycerin 70
H2O to 100

12-Argerol eye dp
argerol 2
dist H2O 100

13-Alkaline nasal wash
NaHco3 5g
NaCL 5g
Borax 5g
Aqua to 250g

14-Tannic iodine
Iodine 2.5g
KI 2.5g
Alcohol 90% 100

15-Glycerin ictheol
ictheol 10g
Glycerin 100cc

16-Glycerin iodine

[for throat]

iodine 0.25g
KI 0.6g
H2O 0.6cc
Oil of peppermint 0.1cc
Glycerin 25cc

To be shaked befor use

17-argerol ephedrine
[nasal dp]

argerol 15g
ephedrine 3g
H2O 300ml

Argerol=silver protein mild

250ml water + 3gm ephedrine stir well till dissolution complete to volume with water.

18-Iodine paint = Iodine forte
iodine 10
KI 6
Alcohol 90% to 100

19-Simple oint
lanoline or eucerine 10gm
white bees wax 10gm
soft paraffine 80gm
melt the white bees wax on water bath then add the lanolin and the soft paraffine , mix well and stir until cold.

20-Icthamol oint
10%in simple oint.


افتراضي رد: موسوعة التركيبات في الصيدلية...أكثر من 100 تركيبة يمكنك ان تحضرها بنفسك في صيدليت

61-Glycerin boric

Boric acid 30
Glycerin 100

62-Glycerin phenol
Phenol 5
Glycerin 100

63-Rehydran packets
NaCL 70gm
NaHCO3 50gm
KCL 30gm
Dextrose 400gm

2% in hot water

65- Mercurochrome(alcoholic)
2% in 60% alcohol.

66-Gentian violet
gentian violet 1g
alcohol 20ml
H2O to 80ml

67-Glycerin iodine paint

I2 0.65
KI 1.95
Glycerin 28.4

68-Camphor oil
Camphor powder 20gm
French oil to 100cc

69-Chlorophenicol otic dp
mephenicol eye dp + 450mg chloramphenicol pd
((cidocetin vial 5% otic dp))

70-تركيبه لتسلخات الأطفال

Panthenol 20ml
NaHCO3 0.5g
Oil of menthe 0.5
Rose H2O 150ml

سأسأة بعد كل غيار

71-تركيبه لسقوطالشعر

Pilocarpine NO3 1.5
Tr.canthridis 7.5
Tr.jaborandi 15
Resorcinol 3
Salicylic acid 3
Quinine HCL 1.5
Panthenol 50
Olive oil 30
Lavender 0.5(10 dp)
Alcohol 70% to 300

72-Crystalline penicillin eye dp
500,000 I.U diluted to 50 cc dist water.
One vial + 2ml dist H2O.

73-ZnSO4 mouth wash
ZnSO4 2.2g
ZnCl2 1.14
Dil HCL 1.04ml
Comp.tartarazine soln 1.04ml
CHCL3 H2O to 1000

To be diluted with 20 times its volume with water before use.

74-Cacao butter cream
oil of cacao butter 10
liq paraffine 5
cold cream 50
lanolin 15

دهانللشعر يوم بعد يوم.

75-Syrup polygalae
Liq.extract of senega 5% in syrup.

76-Iodoform mixture
15cc capsicum + 15cc jaborandi + 0.25gm Tr.iodomethyl(iodoform) im 20cc 95% alcohol.

77-Tr.iodofortis (strong iodine)

Iodin 10gm
Pot.iodide 6gm
Water 10cc
Alcohol 90% to 100cc

78-تركيبه للشعر الموجود تحت الجلد

Boric acid 4%
Alcohol 50
Ether 50

79-ZnO/Phenol liniment

ZnO 10g
Liquefied phenol 2.2ml
Tragacanth 5g
Glycerin 3ml
Water to 100ml

80-Savlon soln
60ml conc soln + 240 ml H2O

81-Lime water
Calcium hydroxide 3g
Water to 1000ml

I2 20
NaI 24
Alcohol 500
Water to 1000

83-Kaolin mixture

light kaolin 40
light Mag-carbonate 10
sod bicarbonate 10
Conc peppermint emulsion 5
Double strength chloroform H2O 100
water to 200
(this prep must be recently prepared).

84-Potassium iodide mix

KI 1g
Liq liquorices 7.5ml
Aromatic amm.spirit 1ml
Conc chloroform H2O 1ml
H2O to 50

85-Tr.Comphor Co

Tr.Opium 5ml
Benzoic acid 500mg
Compher 300mg
Anise oil 0.3ml

It contain about 5mg morphine in 10ml.

Soda mix

Sod.Bicarbonate 20
Comp Tr of Rhubarb 40
Comp Tr of Gentian 40
Peppermint water to 300


Tr.Rhei 50
Alcohol 30
H2O 20
NaHCO3 15
Glycerin 20ml
Peppermint to 100

88-Bismuth oxy Comp

Bismuth sub carb 1g
CaCO3 3
Heavy MagCO3 3
Sod bicarb 1

89-تركيبه بودرة لحمو النيل

Menthol 0.5%
ZnO 20%
Talc 50%
Calamine powder 20%
Boric acid 10%

90- Menth+Zno+Talc+glyc+kaolin

Menthol 0.75
ZnO 35
Talc 35
Glycerin 15
Kaolin 15
Aqua calcis 300

سأسأة مرتينيوميا.

افتراضي رد: موسوعة التركيبات في الصيدلية...أكثر من 100 تركيبة يمكنك ان تحضرها بنفسك في صيدليت

91-Dusting powder

Phenol 2g
ZnO 2g
Calamine 30g
Talc add 100g

92-Unna's paste

ZnO 15
Gelatin 15
Glycerol 35
Diat water 35

a-soak the amount of gelatin in water for 15 min then put half amount of glycerin in W.B.
b-dissolve the soaked gelatin in the glycerin.
c-lavigate the reminded amount of glycerin with ZnO
d-put (c) on (a).

93-Oily calamine lotion (B.P)

(Calamine liniment)

calamine 5g
wool fat 1g
oleic acid 0.5g
arachis oil 50ml
calcium hydroxide soln to 100ml

94-Alkaline eye lotion

3.5% NaHCO3 in H2O.

95-Pediatric Ipeca mix

Ipeca liquid ext 7ml
Glycerin 10ml
Dil acetic acid 0.25ml
Syrup to 100ml

Dose: for children 6-18 months 10ml.
15ml for children 18-5years.

96-Rhei & Co mix

Tr.Rhubarb 1ml
Light Mag carb 500mg
Sod bicarb 500mg
Tr.ginger 0.3ml
Chloroform water to 5ml
Dose : 10 – 20 ml.

97-Hyoscyamus & Buchu mix

potassium citrate 1g
Tr Of hyoscyamus 1ml
Tr of Buchu 1ml
Chloroform water to 15ml

98-تركيبه للشعرالابيض

Sulpher 3g
Lead acetate 4.5g
Glycerin 25ml
Rose water to 200cc

99-Scott's oint

Mercury oint 100g
Yellow bees wax 60g
Olive oil 60ml
Camphor 30g

100-Mercury oint

Mercury ****l 30
Oleated mercury 1.5
Wool fat 43
Yellow bees wax 7
Yellow soft paraffin 18.5

تم بحمد الله


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